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Data connectivity

Our wholesale data connectivity services allow customers to enjoy high performance, high availability next-generation solutions.

Our connectivity services

We have a variety of modern and future-proof access technologies within our data connectivity portfolio.

Fibre to the Premises (FTTP):

This delivers a full-fibre connection to your customer’s site with a range of bandwidth options available. It can be used to connect to our Wholesale Broadband and Wholesale Ethernet platforms.

Single order Generic Ethernet Access (SoGEA):

This is an all-IP ready alternative to older Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) access, without the need for a PSTN line. It uses a combination of fibre and copper, but with simpler ordering and delivery. SoGEA can be used to connect to our Wholesale Broadband and Wholesale Ethernet platforms.

Dedicated fibre:

Ethernet and optical access supporting very high bandwidth and high availability connectivity, backed by our market-leading platform and network.​

Additional access technologies:

Additional access options are available for a wide and flexible choice of connectivity into our Ethernet network, including Data Centre Access, Exchange Connect and radio services.

Our data connectivity services

Our portfolio consists of Broadband, Ethernet, Direct Internet Access and optical services, available in a wide range of speeds and service options.

Layer 1 and 2 optical connectivity:

High performance, low latency nationwide connectivity across our dedicated optical network, available up to 400Gbps. A range of core route options and access technologies are available, and because it’s delivered across a dedicated route through the network, we can design solutions to meet your customer’s needs.
Learn more on our Optical page.

Layer 2 Connectivity:

Nationwide Broadband and Ethernet connectivity and reach using the BT Wholesale network, aggregated back to your network. Offer access connectivity from a customer’s premises to your network, letting you focus on your own value-add services.


Our layer 2 Broadband solutions include WBMC (Wholesale Broadband Managed Connect), and more information is available on our Broadband page.


Our Ethernet solutions Include point-to-point and point-to-multi-point configuration options, and you can learn more on our Ethernet page.

Layer 3 connectivity:

Take things further than our layer 2 solutions and let us handle your internet peering, IP addressing, traffic and capacity as well through our layer 3 solutions. There’s no need to build your own platform you can just use ours. You’ll have access to the UK’s best network and peering platform, along with a range of circuit and bandwidth options.​


Our Broadband One service offers layer 3 connectivity, while in our Ethernet portfolio, a layer 3 internet connection can be provided over the top of an Ethernet circuit via our Direct Internet Access (DIA) service.​


We offer a range of diversely routed and resilient (R02) access options across our networking portfolios of Ethernet, DIA and optical, giving you peace of mind and excellent availability.

Mobile Backhaul Services:

Our portfolio offers a range of managed solutions supporting 4G & 5G mobile network operators, including high capacity connectivity including optical and service features including layer 2 and 3 ethernet services plus highly resilient network based synchronisation. For mobile network operators, learn more on our Mobile Backhaul page

Our products and services

Help your customers to share data between locations more effectively. Our high-performance connectivity services let you offer game-changing solutions, creating new selling opportunities for you while enabling your customers to explore next-generation technology.

Wholesale Broadband

Find the right service for your customers with layer 2 and layer 3 solution, along with All-IP ready access technologies. 



Wholesale networking

Networking solutions including Ethernet and optical services. Meet growing demands and deliver high quality, high bandwidth and high availability connectivity to your customers.

Our networking portfolio access options:

Additional services

Outside of our broadband and networking portfolios, we offer a range of services, including professional services, maintenance and installation support.

Partner Plus

BT Wholesale’s partner programme.

From sales and marketing support to online tools and training, it’s everything you need to grow your business. And as you grow, you’ll unlock even more exciting rewards, events and offers.


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