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Our products & services

Teams Phone Mobile

Keep customers connected and protected with Teams Phone Mobile – a first of its kind for the wholesale market.

woman holding a mobile phone

Our Complete Mobile proposition enables you to offer full EE connectivity to your customers.

Road traffic

BT and Amazon Web Services are making new cutting-edge technology (MEC) available to business customers, via BT’s market-leading 5G and 4G infrastructure.

Road traffic

With our continued investment into our award-winning mobile network, we can help you and your customers take the mobile market by storm.

We’re saying goodbye to 2G

We have committed to carefully shutting down our 2G network by the end of the decade. This is part of the UK Government’s strategy to retire outdated mobile technology.


Retiring our 2G network will allow us to redeploy resources to further improve our superior 4G and 5G services. All 2G customers will be contacted ahead of any changes to the network.

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