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Offer your own high-quality branded telephone service - without major upfront investment or high running costs

Most businesses still rely on traditional telephone calls. Wholesale Calls is our white-labelled telephony solution, made for you to offer to your customers.

Our service can be provided over any BT maintained line. Migration is quick and easy, regardless of the number of lines.

Ready-made and reliable

We offer two Wholesale Calls options:

  • Wholesale Calls Line Independent – a 'calls only' service with no lines to maintain.
  • Wholesale Calls Line Associated – calls and lines combined.

Fully managed

Wholesale Calls is a fully managed service with excellent in-built support and maintenance.

Low cost

Enjoy low-risk entry to the telephony access market, with no need to build and maintain a network. Our Volume Discount Scheme gives competitive rates, based on your monthly spend commitment.

Benefits for you & your customers

Couple working at a desk.

Complete control, full flexibility

You own the customer relationship, so you decide how to price and market the product. Your customers can’t lose with this proposition. No set-up fee, installation charge, new lines or equipment are needed. They won’t even need to change their telephone numbers.

Women working together in front of computer monitors.

A seamless transition

Your customers will get exactly the same high-quality service they've always had from BT. A suite of call features and call barring options as standard and easy access to detailed call data. Place new customer orders easily via a user-friendly web portal. 

Man and woman in warehouse looking over a tablet.

Grow your business & receive great after-care

You get excellent after-sales support, including training, a technical help-desk and efficient maintenance. Engage new customers and introduce them to other great products, such as high-speed broadband and IP-based solutions.

Contact us

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about your enquiry. 

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our products and services.