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Interconnect Provisioning Manual
Find out about the Interconnect Provisioning Manual and download the Sections and Appendices.
The Interconnect Provisioning Manual directly supports the Standard Interconnect Agreement (SIA). It describes the activities jointly undertaken by BT and the Operator to
- Plan and agree interconnect arrangements
- Create capacity ordering profiles
- Create routing plans
- Place capacity orders
- Provide capacity
- Test capacity
- Bring the capacity into service
- Get traffic onto the capacity
Below you can find the Sections and Appendices that collectively comprise the Provisioning Manual.
Section 2 - Planning (doc - 62 KB) - 01/10/2000
Section 3 - Forecasts and Capacity Profiles (doc - 60 KB) - 01/10/2002
Section 4 - ISI Provision (docx - 152 KB) - 01/09/2012
Section 5 - CSI Provision (docx - 115 KB) - 01/09/2012
Section 6 - Re-arrangements (doc - 79 KB) - 01/12/2000
Section 7 - Ceases (doc - 100 KB) - 01/11/2009
Section 8 - Data Management Amendments (doc - 73 KB) - 01/10/2000
Section 9 - STP Working (doc - 153 KB) - 01/02/2000
Section 10 - Additional UK-ISP Requirements (docx - 61 KB) - 01/09/2012
Section 11 - SMS Messaging (doc - 635 KB) - 01/02/2004
Appendix 1 - Known Switches (docx - 492 KB) - 30/11/2015
Appendix 2 - Known transmission (xlsx - 15 KB) - 01/04/2007
Appendix 3 - Tributary Tables (xls - 404 KB) - 01/12/2013
Appendix 4, 5, 6 - Re-Direction Notice (doc - 29 KB) - 01/09/2008
Appendix 7 - SHS ISI Transmission Testing (doc - 38 KB) - 01/10/2006
Appendix 8 - Tributary Testing Procedures (doc - 63 KB) - 01/10/2000
Appendix 9 - Signalling Services Description (docx - 75 KB) - 01/09/2012
Appendix 12 - Statement of Compliance (doc - 101 KB) - 01/12/2005
Appendix 14 - SDH Confirmation Form (xls - 37 KB) - 01/03/2004
Appendix 15 - Pipeline Report (xls - 42 KB) - 01/11/2002
Appendix 16 - Capacity Ordering Profile (xls - 375 KB) - 01/05/2012
Appendix 16A - Capacity Ordering Profile (New Entrant) (xls - 417 KB) - 01/05/2012
Appendix 17 - Order Acknowledgement (doc - 12 KB) - 01/04/1997
Appendix 18 - BIS Certificate (xls - 53 KB) - 01/06/2006
Appendix 19 - Signalling Routing Advice (doc - 222 KB) - 01/09/2002
Appendix 20 - RFT Certificate (xls - 37 KB) - 01/04/2002
Appendix 22 - Capacity Order form (xlsx - 75 KB) - 01/07/2010
Appendix 24 - Routing Plan (xls - 758 KB) - 01/12/2009
Appendix 25 - Point Codes (doc - 11 KB) - 01/01/2004
Appendix 26 - STP Capacity Profile and Order Form (xls - 269 KB) - 01/12/2009
Appendix 30 - UK-ISUP Overload Assessment (xlsx - 48 KB) - 01/09/2012
Appendix 31 - MAP Capacity Order Profile (xls - 269 KB) - 01/09/2012
Appendix 32 - MAP Capacity Order Form (xls - 235 KB) - 01/02/2004
Appendix 33 – Test Booking Form (docx - 51 KB) - 01/09/2012
Appendix 34 - Waiver Form (docx - 48 KB) - 01/09/2012
Appendix 99 - Document Change Request Process (ppt - 30 KB) - 01/03/2009
Appendix 99 - Document Change Request Process (xls - 24 KB) - 01/03/2009
Interconnect Testing Manuals
Learn about the testing requirements and download the manuals for Validation, Integration and Operational Testing.
Interconnect testing requirements are split into three phases:
1. Validation Testing (VT)
2. Integration Testing (IT)
3. Operational Testing (OT)
Which of these phases apply to your switch will depend on several factors. Section 4.3 of the Interconnect Provisioning Manual will explain the requirements or pre-requisites that apply for your switch.
Generally, VT and IT are only performed on unknown switch/build combinations (unknown means that the has not been previously connected to the BT Network under an Interconnect Agreement).
We advise that you work with your Technical Account Manager (TAM) to guide you through these procedures and to make sure you have completed all pre-requisites associated with interconnect testing.
The requirements for each testing phase are detailed in the manuals below.Validation Testing is performed by the Communication Provider (CP) or its switch supplier on unknown switches prior to Integration Testing. BT may be able to perform this testing on behalf of the CP, but charges will apply for this service (Your TAM can advise on this).
Validation Testing Manual (pdf - 166 KB) - 15/02/2016
Guide Operational Testing Manual (docx - 132 KB) - 01/08/2012
Core Operational Testing Manual (docx - 161 KB) - 01/08/2012
IUP Services Operational Testing Manual (docx - 967 KB) - 01/08/2012
UK-ISUP Services Operational Testing Manual (docx - 866 KB) - 01/08/2012
Interconnect Operations and Maintenance Manual
Find the Interconnect Operational and Maintenance Manual.
This manual relates to the Standard Interconnect Agreement and should be read in conjunction with the Interconnect Customer Service Plan.
Operations and Maintenance Manual (docx - 1.43 MB) - 23/09/2020
Interconnect Faults Templates
Interconnect Link Fault Template and Interconnect Network Fault Template.
Interconnect Link Fault Template (docx - 1.13 MB) - 19/03/2025 - New
Interconnect Network Faults Template (docx - 882 KB) - 29/10/2019
Interconnect Fault Template Notes (pptx - 929 KB) - 02/07/2020
Interconnect Billing Manuals
Find the Interconnect Billing Manuals.
Virtual Interconnect Circuits documents
Virtual Interconnect Circuits documents
VIC Product Description (doc - 583 KB) - 16/05/2017
VIC Billing Manual (doc - 984 KB) - 16/05/2017
VIC Minutes Table Derivation Manual (doc - 1.21 MB) - 16/05/2017
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